News & Events

Free blood pressure screenings in February

Free blood pressure screenings will be offered at Powell Wellness Center on February 13 and February 27, 9:00 – 11:00 am. These screenings are open to the public.

Screenings are held near the cafe; drop by, no appointment necessary.

Screenings will be held with Keona Salcedo, an American Heart Association (AHA) HeartCorps service member who has joined the Culpeper Wellness Foundation for a year-long internship. In coordination with Foundation staff, Keona is managing programming to support community heart health, such as blood pressure screenings and health-focused discussion groups. Keona has a BA in Global Public Health and is pursuing a Masters of Public Health.

HeartCorps reflects the commitment of the AHA to serve the health needs of rural communities. Such communities often face a critical shortage of health care professionals, which negatively impacts the care rural residents receive. Through the work of service members like Keona, AHA is working to address inequities and improve blood pressure control and cardiovascular health in rural communities.

Powell Wellness Center is located at 1005 Golf Drive in Culpeper.

Resource from the American Heart Association: Learn what your numbers mean & what your next steps are