Culpeper Wellness Foundation has awarded over $110,000 in year-end grants to organizations addressing the health and wellness needs of residents of Culpeper, Madison and Orange counties.
The Foundation’s Board of Directors approved more than 20 grants with a focus on ensuring that local residents have access to food, shelter and medical care. Recipient organizations include: Orange County Free Clinic, Services to Abused Families (SAFE), Culpeper Housing & Shelter Services, Culpeper Food Closet, Manna Ministry, MESA – Madison Emergency Supports Association, Lions Wilderness Food Pantry, Love Outreach Food Pantry, Skyline CAP, Salvation Army, the Winter Heat Shelter and the Pamper Me Pink mammography fund.
The Foundation also awarded grants to the Senior Centers in Culpeper, Madison and Orange in support of their programs that provide nutritional meals and fellowship for adults age 60 and over. Other grants include funds to establish a postpartum support program and increased scholarships for Germanna Community College students who are pursuing health related education.
“We are pleased to be able to support the work of these local organizations that provide critical services in our communities. Without them, many people would struggle to feed their families, sleep in a safe and warm place or get needed medical care,” commented Shari Landry, Foundation president.
The Culpeper Wellness Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, invests its time and resources in community initiatives that improve health and wellness in Culpeper, Madison, and Orange counties. The Foundation operates the Free Clinic of Culpeper, Culpeper Sport & Fitness and Powell Wellness Center, an award-winning wellness center and one of only three centers in Virginia certified by the national Medical Fitness Association as a medically integrated fitness facility.