Presentation summary: Podiatry health program at Powell Wellness Center
Representatives from Mountain Spring Podiatry visited Powell Wellness Center for a free presentation on peripheral arterial disease. PAD may affect many people, often without symptoms, so being aware of PAD is beneficial and early detection is key. PAD is characterized by a build up of plaque in the artery walls, which can result in heart attack, stroke or amputation. The plaque is known as atherosclerosis. A free screening for PAD was offered to program attendees. The screenings were non invasive and only took a few minutes.
While family history and aging can increase the risk of PAD, Mountain Spring Podiatry’s marketing manager Cheyenne mentioned during the presentation the importance of “upstream care,” meaning to do all you can to live a healthy lifestyle. A good diet and regular exercise will help contribute to overall good health and lessen your risk for many health challenges, including PAD.
Learn more: Cleveland Clinic: Peripheral arterial disease
Mountain Spring Podiatry’s practice in Culpeper is located at 2002 Orange Road, Suite 105. They provide care to adults and youth for a range of foot and ankle needs.