Energy Medicine Yoga at Powell Wellness Center
Energy Medicine Yoga® is a special quarterly program offered free to the public at Powell Wellness Center. EMY is an integrative practice, uniting the ancient healing methods of energy medicine and the time-honored tradition of yoga. This union works to align and balance the body’s nine energy systems that form the foundation for our health. Classic yoga postures are interwoven with ancient traditional healing modalities including working with the meridian system, tapping, self-massage, holds to calm and regulate the body’s stress responses, and much more. This class with certified EMY practitioner Annette Hyde is for all levels of fitness and familiarity with yoga. Modifications are available.
More about Energy Medicine Yoga here.
The next class will celebrate the New Year; watch for details here. Classes are held at Powell Wellness Center, located at 1005 Golf Drive in Culpeper. Please call the PWC front desk to register: 540-445-5406. Pre-registration is required. Energy Medicine Yoga will be in the group fitness room.