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Grant news: serving COVID-19 emergency health needs; 2020 Healthy Living Grants suspended

As the community impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, Culpeper Wellness Foundation has made the decision to focus its available grant resources on critical health and wellness needs related to the pandemic in the Foundation’s service area of Culpeper, Orange and Madison counties. This means that the Foundation’s annual Healthy Living Grants program, announced earlier in March, will be suspended until further notice. “We must take this direction in order to have as many resources as possible available to address emerging pandemic-related needs,” said Foundation president Shari Landry.

“We anticipate that there will be many competing needs for available funding and we want to be sure to use our available resources in a way that has the greatest impact.  Over the next several weeks and months, we will work with local leaders to identify how we can best support our communities, ” Landry added.

Questions may be addressed to Foundation president Shari Landry at