News & Events

Thoughts on exercise

Contributed by Shari Landry, Foundation president

Over the past few months I have tried very hard to make exercise a priority.  I’ve made a point to work it in to my schedule.  It hasn’t been easy but it has been very rewarding.

I am fortunate to work for an organization that manages two awesome and distinctly different fitness facilities that offer all kinds of classes and exercise options.  I’ve gone to hi-intensity water classes, yoga, a country music exercise class, a barbell workout, 30 minute MOVE IT classes, played Pickleball and more.    And I still have lots of classes to try!

I will be honest.  I don’t really like to exercise.  I like to be active but the thought of making time in my schedule, changing my clothes and going somewhere to “work out” has not been particularly appealing to me.

I feel that changing.  I feel better – mentally and physically.  I feel like I am taking care of myself.  And it doesn’t hurt that my clothes are more comfortable too.  I’ve also had the opportunity to exercise with people of all ages and abilities in classes led by motivating and talented instructors.  Our instructors are high-energy, enthusiastic and skilled in modifying exercises to accommodate bad knees or shoulder injuries or beginning exercisers.  They make exercise fun!

It is my goal to continue on this path toward better health and I’d like to encourage you to join me in a way that works for you.  Take a walk, come to a class, jump on a treadmill, ride a bike…the benefits are well worth it!


Shari, at left, with Nicole Spears and Culpeper Sport & Fitness trainer Marcus Haywood after a Move It class